- gRPC Unary communication
- gRPC Client Steaming communication
- gRPC Server Streaming communication
- gRPC Bidirectional Streaming communication
- gRPC Reactive Streaming communication (Same as Bidirectional Streaming. This is original of Herts)
- HTTP(REST API) communication
Intercept data before call method.
- Add authorized header on interceptor
- Encrypt and Decrypt data on interceptor
- Out put log on interceptor
- Error handling
- Retry processing
Herts supports Herts Load balancing.
Load balance bi-directional communication via external queues. So you need to use ConnectionId which can be obtained from Herts.
※ See About gRPC load balancing
Please refer to the following document for the load balancing method of grpc.
See: https://grpc.io/blog/grpc-load-balancing/
By turning on the metrics function, you can collect metrics exclusively for Prometheus.
- Call Request per seconds
- per definition Method
- Call RPC Command per second
- per definition Method
- Latency for HTTP and gRPC method
- per definition Method
- JVM metrics
- Machine metrics
It supports Gateway for easy connection to grpc.
Http Client code generation for Typescript from HertsService interface
Supports codegen
- Typescript